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VOICE OVER: Ryan Wild WRITTEN BY: Richard Bush
Talking about energy bills can be intimidating. And when we hear the words “what are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint”, many of us will just draw a blank. But not to worry, we're here to advise on how you can make your house greener, and as a result reduce your energy bills. We have some simple tips that include slight tweaks to your daily routine, as well as some products that can help you along the way.

Script wirtten by Richard Bush

Top 5 Ideas for Reducing Your Energy Bill

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Welcome to GetMojo, we do the research so you don’t have to! In this video, we’re offering our picks for the top 5 ideas for reducing your energy bill.

Talking about energy bills can be intimidating. And when we hear the words “what are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint”, many of us will just draw a blank. But not to worry, we’re here to advise on how you can make your house greener, and as a result reduce your energy bills. We have some simple tips that include slight tweaks to your daily routine, as well as some products that can help you along the way. Okay, first up.

#5: Check Your Seals

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You wouldn’t leave your front door wide open, so why should your windows be any different? When it comes to keeping heat in the house, it’s essential to ensure that your windows and doors are properly closed - and that their seals are still intact and doing their job. The same goes for your fridge and freezer too - they also produce energy that you don’t want to waste. To help with heat loss in the house, you can actually buy smart blinds, which can help keep a room warm by closing the blinds once the space has heated up.

#4: Get Thermostat Savvy

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It’s one thing to turn off your heating in the summer and back on in the winter, but what about all those times where you’re in bed, or not home? Nowadays there are tons of ways to control the temperature of your house with smart devices, with devices like the Nest Thermostat allowing you to set timers, raise or lower the temperature remotely, and gain insights into how much energy you’re using - or wasting. Products like these even learn your routines and can program themselves - so you can be saving, without even trying.

#3: Watch Your Water Usage

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We’ve all heard the “turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth” spiel, right? Well, that’s because it really is a great way to save water - and so is taking shorter showers. But other actions, like using only warm or cold water to wash your clothes, and reducing the water temperature on your heater, can also help reduce costs. Speaking of showers, simply changing your showerhead to a low flow model can massively help you reduce how much water you use too - even if you don’t cut your shower time down. This High Sierra model for example has a high efficiency rate of just 1.5 gallons per minute.

#2: Swap Out Your Lightbulbs

This may seem simple, but swapping out your old incandescent light bulbs for more efficient compact fluorescents - or even better, LED bulbs - can be an enormous energy saver. In fact, LED bulbs are around 85% more efficient than halogen - crazy, right? Swapping out bulbs can be pricey though, so we would suggest starting with your most frequently used rooms, like the bedroom, bathroom and living room. If you really want to take things up a notch, you can buy yourself some smart bulbs, like Philips Hue, which allow you to set up things like timers. They can also sync with other smart tech in your house to save even more energy.

#1: Use Smart Power Strips

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Just because an appliance or piece of tech is turned off, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s completely off. Some things left plugged in and on standby mode can still use up energy. But things like smart power strips - like this one from TrickleStar - ensures that doesn’t happen. Smart power strips ensure that unnecessary energy isn’t lost by phone chargers, TVs or game consoles that are left plugged in.

So which of these tips are most important? Well, that varies - because everyone’s house and energy usage is different. The key is to just be aware of the ways in which your energy efficiency can be maximized. Realistically, it’s the small things that add up: like shorter showers, or closing windows. But if you do want to go all out and keep an eye on energy usage, you certainly can, with very useful smart devices like thermostats and light bulbs.

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