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WRITTEN BY: Sammie Purcell
These character decisions pissed off fans and we're still not over it! Our countdown includes "Gilmore Girls," "Pretty Little Liars," "Riverdale," and more!

#10: Alex Goes Back to Izzie
“Grey’s Anatomy” (2005-)

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Top 10 SAVAGE Alex Trebek Moments

If you’re a long-time Grey’s fan, you’ve been through a LOT with Alex Karev. He started off as Seattle Grace’s resident jerk before quickly growing into a fan favorite. Some of that growth came from his relationship with fellow doctor Izzie Stevens, who left the show in season six. Since then, Alex continued to grow, and married Jo. But then after 10, yes, count them, 10 seasons, Izzie came back! And it turned out Izzie had Alex’s kids via in vitro fertilization. Once he learns that, he leaves the show for good to be with her. That’s it. No goodbyes to Meredith, Bailey, or even his wife Jo. After 16 seasons with the character, that just doesn't seem like the Alex we know and love.

#9: Archie Pleads Guilty
“Riverdale” (2017-)

Also in:

Top 10 Times Archie Was the WORST on Riverdale

“Riverdale” is full of teenagers making bad decisions. But a certain choice made by our favorite red-headed jock takes the cake. At the end of season two, Hiram Lodge frames Archie for taking someone’s life. The jock spends the time between seasons facing trial. By the season three premiere, we were itching to know what would happen. The jury couldn’t come to an agreement, and there was almost a mistrial …. until Archie got in his own way. Not wanting to put his family through the stress of another trial, he took a plea deal, agreeing to spend two years in juvie. But since his family now has to deal with the stress of their son being a convicted juvenile, Archie’s choice was pretty disappointing.

#8: Debbie Gets Pregnant On Purpose
“Shameless” (2011-)

Debbie started off as one of the sweeter members of the Gallagher family. But as she moved into her teens, that sweetness quickly turned sour. When Debbie and Derek began dating, it seemed like a good thing for her until she messed that up. Watching Fiona raise the Gallagher clan from a young age likely influenced Debbie’s strong desire to be a mother. Unfortunately, Derek didn’t know how serious she was. Debbie lied to him about being on birth control and told him they wouldn’t need to use a condom. Her lie ended up pushing away Derek, Fiona, other members of her family and probably some fans. It was a horrible decision all around.

#7: Scotty Cheats on Kevin
“Brothers and Sisters” (2006-11)

Scotty and Kevin were such a highlight of “Brothers and Sisters”. While their relationship wasn’t perfect, they had a strong bond and were nothing but open with each other. So when Scotty told Kevin that he once cheated on him and hid that fact, fans were understandably shocked. There was never any indication of infidelity. And it didn’t seem like something was so wrong in their relationship that Scotty couldn’t just talk to Kevin about his issues. Although the show tried to explain it away with flashbacks, the whole plot line seemed like a desperate attempt to drag up some drama between the two. It felt forced, and not at all in character for what we knew about Scotty.

#6: Emily Dates a Harsh Teammate
“Pretty Little Liars” (2010-17)

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Top 10 Cringiest Emily in Paris Moments

When we first meet Paige, she’s one of Emily’s swimming rivals. But she ends up as something much more sinister. After Emily garners more favor from the team’s coach, Paige pushes Emily down underwater. We might understand if the victim in this scenario forgave her attacker. But the one thing we can’t wrap our head around is that the two go on to date for a huge chunk of the show. And we have to repeat, this is after Paige attacked Emily! This is one questionable dating decision we will never forget.

#5: Haley Gets Back Together With Dylan
“Modern Family” (2009-20)

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At the beginning of “Modern Family,” Haley was a young teenager who was wildly into Dylan. For a teen relationship, the two were pretty cute. But much of Haley’s journey on “Modern Family” is about coming into adulthood and learning what it means to take responsibility. Throughout her and Dylan’s “on-again/off-again” relationship, the two prove time and time again that when they’re together, they’re not the best versions of themselves. So having Haley and Dylan get back together in the show’s final season, have kids and get married, seemed a little forced. It’s probably not how things would have played out in real life. Plus, we just loved her relationship with Andy so much more. Team Andy!

#4: Dan and Blair Start Dating
“Gossip Girl” (2007-12)

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Top 20 TV Character Deaths that Hurt the Show

Sometimes, the going from enemies to lovers trope works. But we certainly do not feel like the cliche works here! In the early seasons of “Gossip Girl,” Dan and Blair never got along. While he was too much of a Brooklyn boy for her tastes, she was too uppity for him. Plus, he was better with Serena. So can anyone explain why these two suddenly got over their mutual issues with each other and kicked up a romance? There’s not a lot of real build up or will they/won’t they. It just sort of … happens. After they break up, their relationship becomes even more toxic. Dan even helps ruin Blair’s wedding. We’ll never understand why they tried dating in the first place.

#3: Rachel Moves to L.A.
“Glee” (2009-15)

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There were plenty of moments from “Glee” that could have made this list. The time Blaine cheated on Kurt was definitely a low point. However, seeing Broadway baby Rachel Berry moving to L.A. has to take the cake. When Rachel landed the role of Fanny Brice in the Broadway revival of “Funny Girl” to astounding reviews, we might add, it seemed like she had everything she’d ever dreamed of. Which is exactly why … she decided to pick up and move to L.A. for a television show? This decision wasn’t in line with anything we knew about Rachel. Luckily, she ends up back on Broadway and even becomes a Tony winner. But we still won’t forget her wild moving choice.

#2: Rory Drops Out of Yale
“Gilmore Girls” (2000-07)

Also in:

Top 10 Rory Gilmore Moments That Make Us Yell at Our TVs

Rory Gilmore was always a practical and driven teenager. But towards the latter half of the series, she made a few decisions that had fans screaming at their televisions. Sleeping with Dean while he was married is up there with one of the worst things she’s ever done. But the choice that really hurt Rory’s character was dropping out of Yale. She worked incredibly hard to get into and even afford Yale. But after a few setbacks, she no longer feels like she can’t cut it and decides to drop out. Thank god Jess showed up to yell some sense into her, because that is NOT the Rory Gilmore we know.

#1: Daenerys Incinerates King’s Landing
“Game of Thrones” (2011-19)

Also in:

Top 10 Badass Daenerys Targaryen Moments

We could point out a lot of poor decisions from season eight of “Game of Thrones”. Why does Jamie go back to Cersei? Was Bran really the best choice for king? But in a season of bad decisions, having the Mother of Dragons harm innocents by burning down King’s Landing was unquestionably the worst. During the eight seasons we spent with Dany, we learned she was capable of incredible mercy and brutal violence. But no matter what path she chose, there was always logic behind her decisions. That’s why her King’s Landing attack is so baffling. There’s not enough build up or reasoning for Dany to burn everything. While some scenes foreshadowed this event, there were not enough scenes explaining why it happened at all.
